Instead, such monumental accomplishments require decades of hard reductionist work.
Much of the area has never been explored or excavated, a task requiring decades.
Too many things would have to be thought out again from the beginning, and such a task would require decades.
Modernization was expected to require several decades, however.
The association of pathogens with disease can be a complex and controversial process, in some cases requiring decades or even centuries to achieve.
The organization projects that full restoration of the Gulf to its former state will require decades of work.
A system for the United States is projected to require "several decades" before it could be fully implemented.
To the new Marxist, the path to power was nonviolent and would require decades of patient labor.
Some medicines for high blood pressure or ulcers require decades of use.
A safe retirement based on a 401(k) account requires decades of discipline, something many people don't have.