He said the $800 million for the next fiscal year would require severe cutbacks, including the elimination and merging of some government departments.
But those who fancy the higher-priced wild fish could well find that its price rises, especially in years in which low measurements require significant cutbacks in the harvest.
The Mayor proposes a budget that requires cutbacks in police.
By far the most eligible source of such funds must be the military budget, which requires extensive cutbacks.
Today, as in 1975, righting the structural imbalance between revenue and spending requires much greater cutbacks than can be absorbed in one year.
It would increase Pentagon spending by 6 percent, to $307.3 billion, and would effectively require cutbacks in most other categories of general government operations after taking account of inflation.
If Congress and the President cannot agree on appropriations and taxes to reach the target, the law required automatic cutbacks in most programs.
When government increases funding or requires financial cutbacks, this also impacts on the ability of the Ministry to fulfill its role.
That would require massive cutbacks in defense, which accounts for 30 percent of the Soviet economy, gargantuan even by U.S. standards.
Hence, implementing the flexible freeze will require significant cutbacks in existing programs even if no new initiatives are undertaken.