He said that towns should relax zoning ordinances and require corporations that move into their areas to provide for a certain amount of new housing.
It would have required corporations to pay more of their taxes in advance and it limited deductions for individual moving expenses to $10,000.
The purpose of the statute ostensibly was to prevent fraud by requiring state citizens and corporations to abstain from business with out-of-state marine insurance companies.
The amendment would have required unions and corporations to get permission from members or shareholders before using certain funds for political purposes.
The amendment would have required corporations and unions to disclose their political spending to their stockholders and union members.
Some states of the US require foreign corporations to deposit "security" when filing suit in their courts.
For that reason, Congress in 1986 required virtually all corporations to adopt accrual accounting.
IN 2004, when regulators were considering requiring corporations to treat stock options as expenses, many executives complained bitterly.
One lesson is clear: It doesn't require greedy private corporations to create pollution.
The committee also proposed requiring corporations to speed up their estimated tax payments under certain circumstances.