This requires converting the problem to a "model of the problem", contradiction statement or a Su-field statement etc.
This requires converting the value of currencies of various countries into a selected currency, for example U.S. dollars.
Although there are multiple ways of producing free hydrogen, those methods require converting combustible molecules into hydrogen or consuming electric energy.
This would require converting the locations and messages of each item into the VII system's format.
If that requires converting it to housing, so be it.
The first method to perform addition and subtraction on the C and D (or any comparable scales) requires converting the problem into one of division.
They are not made by weaving or knitting and do not require converting the fibres to yarn.
Some scientists have estimated that solving the traveling salesman problem for 200 cities would require converting the mass of the earth into DNA.
For matrices, re-normalizing the result requires converting the matrix into its nearest orthonormal representation.
Even with the additions, though, using any kind of filter or effect on the type still requires converting to pixels.