Human and societal wisdom requires well educated citizens.
On his first election as mayor, he required citizens visiting the Mayor's office to be formally dressed, a policy that was soon dropped after being criticized.
One of those proposals would require citizens and immigrants to carry identification cards.
The law does not require ordinary citizens to report crimes.
Rather than banning them from such programs, the President would require American citizens to take greater financial responsibility for immigrants whose entry they sponsor.
Plato was concerned with the "best" state, which requires citizens who are the best and because they possess arete.
Harris also favored requiring citizens to pay a fee for seeking access to public records.
I think it requires citizens who are willing to register people to vote, to put up the signs, to turn out the vote.
The Commission must be as efficient as it is requiring our businesses and citizens to be.
Requiring blameless citizens to waste time on line so that the Government can detect possible cheating counts as a management failure.