Editing will require additional offline capabilities, which no one has done before but we're working hard with the Chrome team to create.
For this, the EU will require credible capabilities.
Some studies have shown that explorative and exploitative innovation require different structures, strategies, processes, capabilities, and cultures.
These operations may require covert, clandestine, or low-visibility capabilities.
Higher levels of autonomy do not necessarily require more complex cognitive capabilities.
To improve competitiveness and retain sustainability, firms require new technologies and capabilities.
The fact that these activities take place in underwater hazardous environments requires skills and capabilities afforded by professional commercial diving training.
Partnership of the European nations with the United States requires not just improved capabilities but also political will.
The experience of emotion as such (i.e. as having an emotion) requires reflective capabilities.
Because this task requires multiple capabilities, analysts say there will be more such mergers as competitors strive to offer a complete package.