These buildings had been thrown up in a hurry during the sixties, to beat a zoning restriction that would require builders to offset apartment houses, using less of the land.
In the mid-1990's, Randolph adopted a "community impact statement" ordinance, requiring builders to determine how their proposed housing developments would affect schools, roads and other services.
In the 1960s some state and local governments began to focus their efforts on mitigation of construction runoff by requiring builders to implement erosion and sediment controls (ESCs).
Each action requires the combined efforts of different departments: set builders, physical effects, and special visual effects.
By next year, the government hopes to have in place changes to building codes that will require architects and builders to help limit the use of energy both in winter and summer.
Many houses are also built with bamboo, a material that is easily constructed and does not require professional builders.
In late August, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a measure requiring builders to offer home buyers roofs with tiles that convert sunlight into electricity.
In the past, Mr. Daggett has generally required builders to agree to protect as many acres of wetlands as they develop.
Under that approach, tall, narrow buildings have been encouraged as a trade-off for requiring builders to provide open space at ground level and to allow light and air to flow through their spires.
When the city was permitting for new buildings in Waikiki they required builders to build above sea level.