That will still require local authorities to seek out the irresponsible landlords.
In 1998, Parliament passed a law requiring local authorities to provide accommodation for their traveler populations by 2004.
But, he added, appraisal had great potential to improve standards, and regulations requiring local authorities to introduce it would be brought forward eventually.
Since state laws require medical and other authorities to report suspected cases of child molestation, the accused father may face criminal charges.
It permitted, but did not, as Wilson had intended, require local authorities to provide meals for needy schoolchildren.
We will require local authorities to define minimum standards of accessibility in their areas and draw up transport plans which meet them.
We will require local authorities to include sports spectators on ground safety committees.
All political finance regimes require authorities and agencies that are responsible for monitoring, control and enforcement.
He also proposed requiring public authorities to disclose more thoroughly how they spend their money.