Most software systems require frequent updates, often at a significant ongoing cost.
The three-strikes law will continue this bankrupt policy by requiring 80 new prisons in California at a cost of $21 billion.
The quad chair which has not been run or inspected in many years may require substantial repair at a high cost.
Some will require hospitalization at an estimated cost of $65,000 a year.
Professional installation is probably required, at a cost of $30 to $50.
Eventually, 800 subway cars would be required for Taipei's first such rail system, at a cost of $1 billion.
This has required the construction of two new elementary schools at a cost of $16 million.
Two supervisors would be required at a cost of £15,000 per year each.
A 2004 safety review reported that immediate work was required to restore the spillway, at an estimated cost of N272 million.
This would require 16 reactors by 2019 at a cost of 7$B each.