Health insurers do not currently require applicants for coverage to undergo genetic testing.
All posts will require successful applicants to undergo security checks, and these can take some weeks, or even two months or more.
However, there would be nothing to prevent an employer from requiring disabled applicants to submit to a more extensive medical examination than others.
The state has more than 20,000 unfilled jobs requiring applicants with at least an associate's degree.
Since 1952, federal law has required applicants for citizenship to pass such a test in English.
This will require applicants to state whether or not they wish to become an organ donor.
The program does not require highly qualified applicants to have significant full-time work experience.
The law requires applicants for Federal grants to demonstrate how they propose to "involve religious organizations" in their programs, including teaching and counseling.
In addition, employers would also be barred from requiring applicants to undertake physical examinations unless an offer of a job had already been made.
Immigration officials stopped automatically handing out work papers, instead requiring applicants to wait six months for them.