The house required only minor alterations to accommodate film making.
Design faults meant that each new station required major alterations; any hope of a production line quickly went out the window.
The dramatic expansion of services and stock required extensive alterations to the buildings.
This may require an increase in cooking times or temperature and alterations of recipe ingredients.
Some engines can be run on vegetable oil without modification, and most others require fairly basic alterations.
Change, though, will require fundamental alterations in how hospitals and doctors' offices operate, health care researchers say.
The playwright has been quoted as saying that the script required minor alterations for this version.
All of these intentions, though vaguely defined, would require significant alteration and commercialization.
The cell membranes do not require alteration to allow for the passage of either water or salt molecules.
The ring frame was heavier, requiring structural alteration in the mills and needed more power.