But he insisted that the law should not require the agency to do so.
The company said the letter contract required the agency to pay $1.3 million a month beginning November 1, 2011.
A 1996 law requires the agency to review the broadcast rules every two years.
In an attempt to address the issue, the Senate passed a bill recently that would require federal agencies to learn to speak the same language.
The amendments require the environmental agency to set standards for 83 specific chemicals.
Section 106 requires the federal agency involved to assess the effect of its actions on historic resources.
Since 1988, Congress has required the agency to pay for its services entirely with the fees it collects.
Accounting rules require the agency to book that loss in its fiscal 2004, even though it has not yet taken over United's plans.
The order requires the agency to adopt interim rules within 90 days to carry it out.
Effective emergency service management requires agencies from many different services to work closely together and to have open lines of communication.