Harm reduction is an approach to public health intended to be a progressive alternative to an approach requiring complete abstinence from drug use.
If you can't drink in moderation, I'll require abstinence.
While the PTAA does not advocate prohibition, it does require complete abstinence from alcoholic drink from its members.
Many experts who are challenging the one-size-fits-all treatment philosophy point to recent studies in Europe and the United States that show the success of brief outpatient treatment programs that do not require abstinence.
This was a sacred day of rest requiring abstinence from all unnecessary labor and secular work, and the performance of sacred and religious duties.
They forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving for those who believe and know the truth.
Anglican formularies, particularly the Book of Common Prayer, have generally required abstinence from meat on Fridays, though it is difficult to gauge how widely followed this practice has been among Anglicans.
Many interpret the precept 'not to kill' to require abstinence from meat, but not all.
While most abstentionists do not require abstinence from alcohol for membership in their churches, they do often require it for leadership positions.