The requests for aid seem to be increasing at many, if not most, of the area's 100 or so private schools.
His request that you should remain until the house changes hands seems to me to be areasonable one.
But Father is still head of this household, and such a request, so close to his wedding day, would seem passing strange.
Given the size of the Raptors' offer and his accomplishments, the request seemed beyond reasonable.
My request seemed to break through, and she took a quick, clean breath.
The request seemed to please him; but he wanted time to think.
"The request you made seems to be provocative rather than professional," he said.
The bishop, however, begged for time, and the request seems to have been granted.
Furthermore, your request for a separate vote does not seem to have reached us before the deadline laid down by Rule 116.
That request seemed to Riker to mark a fitting time to end the fun.