The organization said Erik's request "reflects a lifelong involvement in family hunting."
The $37.7 billion request reflected about a 7 percent jump for domestic security spending.
The request reflects growing concern across the country about plastic food packaging as landfill space rapidly dwindles.
Attendance remained at full capacity and frequent requests for expansion reflected the program's popular acceptance.
Some analysts said the request might reflect a growing uneasiness in Washington with the mammoth mergers that have swept the media industry in recent months.
The request reflects Moscow's concerns about its rapidly deteriorating economy.
At a time when almost every city and state is feeling financially threatened, New York's requests must reflect immediate needs.
I therefore welcome the request for a possible adjustment of these rules to reflect the varying conditions on farms.
The government has called the risk of an attack with smallpox virus low and said that its request did not reflect new information.
Such requests reflect the fact that the big night has become a bit smaller, as seen from behind the scissors.