In past years, players often requested other items in place of rings, including cufflinks and tie bars.
Initially, they requested negotiations with three racing journalists, including Derek Thompson (sports commentator).
The audit requested the reimbursement of $6.4 million, including money used for the property downtown.
Prosecutors said they requested the dismissal after investigating the accuser's claims and reviewing evidence, including computer records.
The new doctor requested a series of lab tests, including a cholesterol panel.
The members requested more information, including the terms of the letter of intent and the name of the for-profit company.
Israel requested help from various countries, including the United States.
In November 2011 he requested improved security, including provision of a bullet proof car.
He requested $970 for the expedition, including the cost of hiring a sloop and crew for one month.
Second, as a Parliament we have been requesting for years new proposals on driving and resting hours including working time proposals.