His reputation as an artist diminished sharply after his death.
The reputation of bail-out funds as the "ultimate backstops" would diminish even further.
"Its reputation as a crime-ridden area has diminished because the police are doing a good job," he said.
He died in 1968, when his work was again popular with collectors, although his reputation diminished sharply thereafter.
In later years, the reputation of the work diminished.
Montreal's reputation as a city of churches and saints has not diminished over the years.
Nonetheless, by the early 20th century her reputation had diminished, and few modern critics have given her work attention.
Nonetheless his reputation as at once the most searching and accessible of contemporary composers has not diminished.
Despite his troubled military career, Mathews' reputation at home had not diminished.
Clark's reputation for putting little into the game has diminished his market value.