But her unsubstantiated version of events would never pass the test of credibility at any reputable newspaper or magazine.
But we didn't see it anywhere else, until it started to show up in political cartoons and advertisements and then in reputable newspapers.
This is a highly 'flavoured' piece of reporting and is unworthy of a reputable newspaper.
Only last week, a reputable newspaper published a news story under the headline: "Paying off debt too fast risks deflation, warns Turner".
The real question is this: "Why do reputable newspapers seem to favour complete cretins when it comes to the op-ed pages?"
It is among the oldest and most reputable Italian newspapers.
Up until yesterday, no reputable newspaper has truly articulated the reasons for staying free, nor dedicated itself to this model.
At a time when the relationship between Islamic and Western countries is strained, one would expect more from reputable newspapers.
If just one woman complained anonymously, with no corroboration, reputable newspapers would treat the charge as unsubstantiated and unprintable.
The front page of all reputable newspapers could carry the following disclaimer.