We knew that the body and the clothing were there for identification by friends, but still we wondered if anybody could love that repulsive object or grieve for its loss.
This repulsive object, with its decaying skin still in place, was worn as a helmet.
For her there was no world outside the bare room where lay the repulsive object she loved.
Karr squinted at the repulsive object.
A game, then, arises, in which quis-ego is played with a repulsive or otherwise undesirable object.
"What is this repulsive object?"
Even the general had to eat the repulsive objects and he was not pleased.
We'll stand it up in Rockefeller Plaza and conceal its natural beauty by hanging shiny, repulsive, man-made objects on it, and let it stand there slowly dying for several weeks while simpleminded children stare at it and people from Des Moines take pictures of it.