It ís already well-accepted that 1,3 repulsive interactions are important in determining structure.
At very small distances between the nuclei the repulsive interaction can be regarded as essentially Coulombic.
It can be shown to occur for relativistic massless fermions with weak repulsive interactions.
For a repulsive interaction between particles, the diffusion coefficient tends to increase as concentration increases.
The non-linear increase is first thought to be due to the repulsive interaction between adsorbates.
The structure minimizing repulsive steric interactions provides the observed product by having the lowest barrier to a transition state for the reaction.
The interaction between the stress fields of dislocations can impede dislocation motion by repulsive or attractive interactions.
Presumably the resulting repulsive electrostatic interactions would have a significant destabilising effect.
This repulsive interaction is just what happens when they throw the basketball straight at each other back and forth.
This is equivalent to maximizing predicted favorable interactions and minimizing repulsive interactions.