The BBC reported that "despite republican sentiments in the country she was given an enthusiastic welcome."
With the duke dead, the Strozzi conspiracy does not achieve anything, nor are republican sentiments heard of, except for some massacred students.
The movie implies that Brendan's republican sentiments are a youthful enthusiasm he will eventually outgrow.
Weir and his colleagues routinely beat up Catholics suspected of harbouring republican sentiments.
As for my republican sentiments, those who reproach me misunderstand the history of our family.
She has republican sentiments like her father, but seems to have a more liberal view on how Rome should be run.
If some trees encourage romance, and others solitary reflection, the American elm seems almost to foster republican sentiments.
Yet in recent times there has been a certain ambivalence about this bond because of the republican sentiments of many Australians.
Meanwhile, republican sentiment was growing in Greece.
He is known for his republican sentiments.