If correctly scaled up, the processes generate the same reproducible results on the plant floor as they do in the laboratory.
They have very reproducible results at low temperatures.
However, this is changing rapidly as systems are being designed into user-friendly devices that produce highly reproducible results.
However, this method gives highly reproducible results for individual persons ( 1%), unlike the methods discussed below, which can have an uncertainty up to 10%.
The study of reinforcement has produced an enormous body of reproducible experimental results.
If the paranormal is "real", then real, reproducible results can be derived.
Controlling the relative humidity generally helps to obtain more reproducible results.
Consistent high quality of the scanning probes is vital for reproducible results.
This made it difficult to get reproducible results which is probably the reason why no satisfactory model for it has been accepted thus far.
The procedure is said to take the guesswork out of surgery, resulting in accurate and reproducible results.