It was reproduced in 2008 under the name Memovox Tribute to Polaris.
The Ming "grape" design in particular was highly popular and was extensively reproduced under the Ottoman Empire.
Some of his other early works would also be reproduced on 12" records under the name Blackpoint, albeit in very small quantities.
The show was later reproduced under the same title, a little bit less obscene and became a staple of Rhode Island College.
Six of his bestselling books were subsequently reproduced and published under different titles in the UK and at least three translated into a foreign language.
Some images on this website are reproduced under licence from third party copyright owners; copyright in other images is owned by the Crown.
As a result of market demand, some of the more popular older film posters have been reproduced either under license or illegally.
This name is reproduced under the form Karbeuthos in George of Cyprus.
In such a case, the so-called psychic's powers would be useful and in some sense genuine, but they could never be reproduced under controlled experiments.
The image of Hossein used in the video was sourced from Wikipedia and is being reproduced here under creative commons.