He reproduced decorative works of other artists, as in the famous chalice after Mantegna's drawing.
This series focuses on reproducing "classic" religious works from around the world that have been lost or forgotten.
Permission has been given by most jurisdictions to freely reproduce certain works for personal or non-commercial purposes.
Methods of reproducing and duplicating works subject to copyright had significantly increased since the 1790 Act.
Google is essentially negotiating to get wholesale rights to reproduce works.
By the 1853-4 season, the Buckleys began to burlesque popular operas and boasted of their ability to reproduce such works.
So according to Righthaven I, not being a "reporter" am no longer entitled to cite/partial reproduce works for the purpose of criticism?
It allows specialized facilities for the handicapped to freely reproduce and represent works, e.g. by making audio recordings, Braille versions.
The public domain is not directly threatened, but in an indirect way, it becomes more difficult (expensive) to reproduce works for personal use.
In his later years, he used photographic techniques to reproduce famous works of art, which helped advance the field of art history.