So writing grew out of an attempt to reproduce speech in a permanent form.
This led to the patent for the "Vocoder" (a portmanteau of "voice" and "encoder"), a method of reproducing speech through electronic means, and allowing it to be transmitted over distances, as through telephone lines.
By reproducing human speech electronically, the elements of speech could filtered into ten specific audio spectrum bands, rendering it more easily transmitted over telephone lines with greater clarity and legibility.
Ganymeans spoke at a deep, guttural pitch that was incapable of reproducing human speech faithfully.
We must not forget that the basic patent of Edison on the phonograph has long since expired, thus throwing open to the world the wonderful art of reproducing human speech and other sounds.
She states that "he reproduces speech so adroitly," his characters are usually plausible and easy for audiences to identify with and laugh at.
This article is about Speech-to-Text Reporters who are human beings reproducing speech into a text format onto a computer screen at verbatim speeds for deaf or hard of hearing people to read.
Individuals with this disorder have a hard time reproducing speech, although most of their cognitive functions remain intact, and are still able to understand language.
Lecture halls and conference rooms pose the challenge of reproducing speech clearly to a large hall, which may have reflective, echo-producing surfaces.
It is not unusual for an electronics student, on hearing some of the specs of these devices, to conclude that they could not have been capable of reproducing speech.