He also argued that "ill intentions will cease if repressive force disappears" is an "absurdity."
The Clinton Administration's plans to "professionalize" this repressive force are most welcome.
The ideological background is without any doubt the same: but Disney, not showing any open repressive force, is much more dangerous.
Mr. Chaves, 87 years old, said that "repressive forces prevented us from making use of our rights."
"The Securitate was an openly repressive force," he said.
Anti-American clerics remain a powerful and repressive force in Iran's politics.
For most of the past century, Iraq has consisted of little more than mutually distrustful communities held together by repressive force.
Indeed, these auxiliaries always constitued a majority of the repressive forces; colonialism could not have survived without them.
The astonishing display of repressive force assembled on the Lower East Side this week is said to have cost $5 million.
"The day when repressive force and torture in secret chambers were tolerated is over," he continued.