At the same time, Chinese workers are suffering under repressive conditions and are denied their most fundamental rights.
Made under highly repressive conditions, this art often displays an excess of emotion, and it can be just plain depressing.
In a subsequent footnote she concludes that, "the mutiny was due to repressive conditions......
By 1975 it became impossible to publish the journal under the increasingly repressive conditions in SFRY.
Many refugees fought for the right to organize under repressive conditions in El Salvador, and they brought dedication, even militancy, to American unions.
(To a serious extent, they can actually create repressive conditions which make the problem worse.)
That forced him and his family into public housing, where he found poor living conditions and repressive conditions.
It does not, however, offer legal alternatives to removal to countries where victims face hardship or retribution, such as the repressive conditions found in Burma.
There are real concerns about the so-called referendum: there is a danger that the referendum under current repressive conditions will only cement in place continued military rule.
Politics informs much of this underground music, especially that made by musicians working in repressive social conditions.