But after return from Europe he started to feel more acutely the repressive atmosphere of Russian society and with it the ever growing tiredness.
But most Chinese interviewed in recent days doubted that the end of martial law would lead to any significant or quick relaxation of the repressive atmosphere.
In this harshly repressive atmosphere, many artists and intellectuals, including Lahner, were forced to flee their homeland or chose to emigrate.
He seemed to have sloughed off his moodiness with the repressive atmosphere of the house, and there was a lighthearted air about him.
The transformation of Raskolnikov's character, from arrogant to penitent, happens in the stark, repressive atmosphere of a prison camp.
"But the basic reason," he added, "is we don't want our children to be raised in that repressive atmosphere."
Another official said the repressive political atmosphere of Iraq made it almost impossible to work there.
Even in the repressive atmosphere then, Tempo had done pathbreaking reporting.