A representative of the Manhattan institution wrote that the school has contributed to the fund "for as long as anyone here can remember - 35, 40, 50 years?"
Indigenous representatives appointed teachers and school directors, designed curricula and wrote text books.
With this threat looming, the Norwegian Parliament's representatives in Oslo wrote to their monarch on 27 June, asking him to abdicate.
It was during these exciting political times in Vienna that a representative of a New York paper wrote, asking for a Mark Twain interview.
A representative from a nonprofit group working with the researchers wrote the infection rates for males and females by age on the blackboard.
Their Congressional representatives wrote Mr. Madigan almost weekly to protest the decision - and in 1992, the Presidential campaign increased the heat.
In February 1946 the representative wrote back telling Lane that she was unable to do so because he had been killed in action.
In that way the people's elected representatives can write the laws in accordance with the will of their electorates.
"Parliamentary immunity does not extend to what a public representative says or writes outside of parliamentary gatherings."
A representative of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, a Jewish humanitarian and educational organization, wrote from Tehran in 1894: ".