Skeptics have also questioned whether the crowd was as large or as representative of popular sentiment as U.S. officials suggested.
A representative from Corwood suggested in an interview with John Trubee that the initial release number was not chosen for any particular reason.
In the article, figures by the observers and a representative of the movement suggest that one percent of Japan's Raëlians participated in the event.
Russia's representative to the UN suggested that Bahrain's crisis be added to the international organization's list of things to do.
The problem, the representatives suggested, was that some of the very writers howling loudest submitted their articles unforgivably late and, yes, long.
The first record is in August, when Dista's representatives suggested the research might explain the bleeding seen in some patients' stomachs and intestines.
The representatives acknowledged that delays were a serious problem at the airport, but suggested that some smaller airlines should take some of the blame.
The representatives of the Palestinian people must also be given opportunities to express their views and suggest sensible ways ahead for the future.
Even two representatives of slaveholding states suggested that a censure of Adams could be conceived as an attack on the liberty of speech.
A representative from the Börsenblatt bookstore also suggested that in the past, companies would at least have waited longer before releasing such a sensitive book.