The coaches association decided which representatives to send.
For Enron's part, a representative of that company sent a letter to Mr. Dunn outlining its objections to turning over documents.
When the dealer's representative had sent a piece of a coffin to be carbon dated, analysis had shown that the coffin was only around 250 years old.
They were more excited when Mr. Jagger's representatives sent word they enjoyed the script and would run it by the singer.
In addition, German and American authorities and representatives of other institutions sent their greetings to the opening ceremony.
We nonetheless value the joint letter which representatives of workers and employers sent to the Council and Parliament in August.
When they did finally intervene, Muslim representatives sent them away, saying that everything was in order.
The Commission's representative in Turkey has sent a report to the Commission which makes it clear that the human rights situation has worsened.
Recently 138 representatives, including 13 Republicans, sent a letter to the president urging him not to weaken the mercury proposal.
In determining how many representatives Southern states might send to Congress, the document provides that a black person, although disenfranchised, counts as three-fifths of a person.