In the ending, Lymsleia re-assumes the throne and dissolves the Senate, though a new representative parliament is created to replace it and advise the Queen.
Nor has anyone been able to devise any notion of a representative parliament that does not hinge upon irrelevant criteria.
There is no such thing as a representative parliament.
In some areas a representative parliament was selected by a Universal Suffrage, much along the lines of our own Westminster Parliament.
Sunni participation would produce a more representative parliament, which could then carefully deliberate these issues without externally imposed deadlines.
With the establishment of a partially representative parliament in the colony in 1843, Murray resolved to pursue a political career.
It was the Territory's first representative parliament after gaining self-government, and operated from 1989 to 1991.
The Legislative Council was Western Australia's first representative parliament.
And AV would give a - slightly - more representative parliament than we currently have.