'Clearly it is right the bench should be given a balanced view representative of all sections of the community.'
But in victory, he struck a conciliatory note, saying he intended to "lock up" his political views during his five-year term and work as "the loyal representative of all Israeli citizens, of all strata, of all sections, of all classes."
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain made an impassioned plea here today for greater freedoms in Eastern Europe and called on the Polish authorities to begin "real dialogue with representatives of all sections of society, including Solidarity."
One of his famous phrases was: "There will be no red poor"; this led him to give important and politically powerful positions to representatives of all sections of the Colorado Party.
The ILP wrote to the Labour party, the TUC and the Co-operative and Communist parties on 13 February 1934 calling for: an immediate consultation between representatives of all sections of the working class so that we may plan common action.
The conference has been attended by representatives of all sections of the SSC communities (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) - politicians, traditional leaders, civil society, womwn's groups, youth, religious groups etc..
An initial working party, made up of representatives of all sections of the industry, was established in conjunction with Industry Matters to address the issues which have led to the perception of the industry as an unattractive career option.
Following an absolute and complete end to violence, there can be dialogue and this dialogue should involve democratically elected representatives of all sections of the people.
The representatives of all sections of our people face the challenge of harnessing that massive international goodwill and translating it into real benefits for our people and in doing it together to break down the barriers of centuries.