He was a representative of a technologically developed species.
This being, this representative of a mature species, was frighteningly intelligent in obscure ways.
Writing introspectively in his Voyage intérieur (1942), he sees himself as a representative of an "antique species."
He claims to be a representative of an entirely new species, the "true" Homo superior.
Jenny was a representative of a species of elf never before seen in Xanth, whose story was as yet incomplete.
Neither the veterinarians nor the xenobiologists had any criteria by which to judge the health of eighteen representatives of a new species.
"These games do not become the representative of such an intelligent species," Spock said.
He always worked according to the same principle: strongly emphasize the individual character of each animal, rather than just show a representative of a particular species.
The fossils are therefore considered representative of a new species, B. kingii.
Every once in a while a single representative of a species would be spotted, hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles from where it was normally found.