Elected representatives hold office for three years; the most recent elections were held in February 1990.
Another person indicated after the first two bargaining sessions that the movement came from the union while the owners' representatives held to their positions.
British representatives held the French responsible for the easy spread of the uprising through the eastern region.
Certain vice-regal representatives have held teaching and governance positions on campus.
Motorola wasn't allowing people to touch or hold the device - a representative held it at all times and answered questions.
The existing 21-member panel, on which representatives loyal to the Government hold an effective majority, would be replaced with a new 11-member body.
There are even countries where representatives of such parties hold elected office at regional level.
The political representatives from the town have held many important positions in the many different governments.
Workers' representatives even hold seats on the major company boards.
In 1922, representatives from all the Chinese provinces held their first conference.