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During the party convention on May 19, none of the Syrian Ba'ath Party members were included while representatives from various countries in the Arab world appointed Rimawi and four other Jordanian exiles to the temporary party command.
The representative will appoint assistants to monitor those operations.
Recognised unions and employers should discuss and agree how many representatives to appoint.
Indigenous representatives appointed teachers and school directors, designed curricula and wrote text books.
If the vote is 2 to 2, the committee's medical representatives appoint a fifth member, also a physician, and he casts the deciding vote without knowing the identity of the player.
In the 2008 elections it was part of the Patriotic Alliance for Change electoral coalition, and had a representative, Rafael Filizzola, appointed Interior Minister.
CARNA is governed by a Provincial Council composed of 13 elected Registered Nurse members, and 5 public representatives appointed by Alberta's Lieutenant Governor in accordance with the Health Professions Act.
A representative of the police department appointed an official "clergy coordinator" to screen ministers who came to see the families of the missing, making sure they were pastors.
Ms. Hafidz and others, accusing the government of corruption and waste, pleaded with Mr. Baird to delay millions of dollars in loans for Government social programs until elected representatives could appoint a new president this fall.
One representative of the teaching profession appointed by each National Committee from among its members.