Delegative democracy was gradually eroded in favor of more representational forms of governance.
Although the council was not permanent, it was the first representational form of democracy in the Dutch colony.
This is to acknowledge that the representational forms themselves are conveyers of messages but are not innocent of the struggle.
Collective memory is also sustained through a continuous production of representational forms.
His compositions are based on the angular Kufi script, which he uses as a representational form of art.
Here, Wittgenstein ran into a problem he acknowledged widely: we cannot think about a picture outside of its representational form.
Overall, the play has a representational form.
The optical scientist having access to these various representational forms has available a richer insight to the nature of these marvelous fields and their properties.
Western diplomats and Poles agreed that the measures, if put into effect, would give Poland the most representational form of government in the Eastern bloc.
An object-in-Itself or subject-in-itself does not have matter (sensation) or representational form, so they cannot be known.