In December 2005, negotiations between the home and a union representing staff there broke down, leading to the threat of a strike over the Christmas holiday.
Man Group plans to cut costs by $75m, which may represent 10% fewer staff from workforce of 1,500.
The union has contracts to represent teachers and staff at eight other charter schools in the city, and is in talks with four others.
The union primarily represented staff who worked in the Civil Service, but also in other public organisations.
The Department employs the total of about 155 persons, of which approximately 45 persons represent administrative and technical staff.
The teachers' union has represented the university's clerical and technical staff for more than 20 years.
The local chapter of the United University Professions representing faculty and professional staff also concurred.
Three staff members are elected to represent higher education, vocational education and general staff.
NTEU is a specialist national union solely representing staff in tertiary education.
If there are multiple nominations the Chancellor is chosen by an electoral college representing staff, students and graduates.