He also represented scores of individual Madoff investors.
Over the last decade our organization, the New York Civil Liberties Union, has represented scores of groups seeking police permits.
On standardised mark scales, a D-grade represents scores of 45-49%.
(Frequently the lights represented scores in the hundreds of thousands.)
The four digits represent scores of ippon, waza-ari, yuko and koka (which was still used at the time).
"They recognized in light of our request that it would be impossible to continue the program," said the lawyer, Mike Arias, who represents scores of families.
Though the characters in the film are fictional, "they represent scores of real people.
During that time, he represented scores of people before loyalty security boards and in federal courts during the McCarthy era.
They had superb scores with songs well represented on the top-40 charts.
He is the author of a software program, MuseData, that represents musical scores in symbols.