On one occasion he had introduced Feynman diagrams, which represented particles as "world lines" traversing a two-dimensional domain, one axis representing space and the other time.
Different modes of vibration of the strings (made of what, no one is sure) represented different particles in nature.
This data could represent 3D geometry, bitmap images, particles, dynamics, shader algorithms, animation, audio, or a combination of these.
In these "hybrid" texts, Chinese characters are also occasionally used phonetically to represent Japanese particles.
Susskind said he was working on a theory that represented particles ' as some kind of elastic string, like a rubber band.'
These five-dimensional DKP matrices represent spin-0 particles.
It represents a synthesis of Renaissance art and atomic theory and illustrates the ultimate discontinuity of matter, the spheres themselves representing atomic particles.
In superstring theory, different vibrations of the strings in 10 dimensions represent particles that carry all the known forces in the universe, including gravity.
This ensures that the data represents only entangled particles.
In quantum field theory the excitations of fields represent particles.