A ship's safety rating represents its ability to withstand attack.
Obviously the most important symbol, darkness represents our ability to keep secrets, hiding both the identity and the actions of its occupants.
Is it fair to say that Joe's total score of 20+10+10, or 40, represents his total ability?
Emissivity is a term representing a material's ability to emit thermal radiation.
Interchangeability represents a human's ability to act out or reproduce any linguistic message that they are able to comprehend.
It is a very prestigious award that represents a community's ability to work together and achieve critical local issues.
"It represents our ability to offer you not only a contract b our full support."
Many games with unrelated systems use the term to represent a character's ability to avoid damage or reduce damage taken.
It represents our ability to think and to communicate, as well as our creativity.
How do they represent a swift's innate ability to know when it can safely leave the nest?