A commissary is a priest who represents a bishop on particular issues or in regions outside of the bishop's country.
They represented different opinions on national issues but pledged to support transparency and "good government" principles.
The association, a lobbying group, represents all the 600 boards of education on legislative and policy issues.
It represents conservative positions on issues of culture, family, sexuality and morality.
He said "we will be represented" at any debate in Geneva on Palestinian issues.
The association is represented in parliamentary committees on issues pertaining to the pharmaceutical profession.
The report does not make any recommendations, but it does purport to represent the thinking of the firm's top management on important issues.
On other votes, however, a second dimension (which has recently come to represent attitudes on cultural and lifestyle issues) is important.
He represents the village on administrative issues, and can act in its name.
The purpose of a mutual fund's board is to represent investors' interests on issues like the fees charged by the fund's management.