They represent conservation groups, municipal officials and developers.
Kent State University at Stark has a local advisory board representing business, industry, education, arts and elected officials.
The 25-member board represents corporations, landscaping businesses, municipal officials and water companies.
Also "secular Muslims" and "actors of civil society" should be represented, not just religious officials.
Conservationists criticized the maneuver, while leaders of groups representing municipal officials praised it because they were worried about the consequences of the state's withholding money.
The choices, however, have been criticized as failing to adequately represent women, blacks, Hispanic residents, local officials or northern Westchester.
Naleo represents nearly 5,000 elected and appointed officials of Hispanic descent, most of them Democrats.
Leaders from the five unions, which represent police officers, detectives, front-line supervisors and senior officials, complained that they had not been consulted about the plan.
Faust represented public utilities, insurance companies, local baseball teams, public officials, public figures, pro bono clients, and numerous others.
The audiences represent employees, officials and volunteers from private nonprofit agencies providing a variety of services.