"You know," she commented upon her return, "in Japanese mythology, the turtle represents longevity and good luck."
These are animals which in Japanese culture represent longevity.
It is unknown if the 'giants' represent diet availability, genetic issues, longevity, or other possibilities.
Some plants are chosen for their religious symbolism, such as the lotus, sacred in Buddhist teachings, or the pine, which represents longevity.
These trees also represent longevity and enlightenment, both held important in Korean culture.
Another scene depicts the three Taoist sages representing longevity, fecundity and prosperity.
Long noodles represent longevity, and the Chinese eat them whole - it's said that cutting them up in the bowl might lead to a short life.
Three granite bridges link the mountain and two large islands that represent longevity and prosperity.
With other foods, noodle soup is usually served to wedding guests, which represents longevity.
The crescent shape symbolises the new municipality, and the star represents longevity.