Therefore, all grain arriving at the mill represented income, regardless of its quality.
It represented income from at least seven abductions, the authorities said, and apparently was about to be deposited in a bank.
This represents income (including profit) of £11 for the mill - remember that £10 has had to be paid for the raw wool.
An asset is a long-term inflow with implications extending beyond the financial period and by the traditional view could represent unclaimed income.
The award of the tickets to Reginald represented income to him in the amount of $1,400.
Investment figures alone, however, do not represent actual income; rather, they resemble the spending side of the national budget.
The money they earn represents important additional income for the family and leads to an improved life situation.
Today, the population of Sunnyslope represents diverse income and education levels, cultural heritage, and age.
In each area the numbers represent total property tax collections, including both commercial and residential, and total personal income.
When she came to Wal-Mart, she was unemployed, and the job represented badly needed income.