The association represents 91 hospitals, 80 of them in the city, and the average age for visitors is 12 years old.
The group represents 70 nonprofit hospitals in the city and suburbs.
For half my career, I represented doctors and hospitals.
The association, representing 100 hospitals, argues that health care for the poor will suffer if the cuts stand.
Of the groups testifying today, those representing hospitals and doctors have fought recent national health care efforts.
The Federation represents over 1,700 privately owned and managed hospitals.
Other associations representing doctors, dentists and hospitals gave millions more.
Now, the hospital association, which represents 5,000 hospitals of all types, has adopted a more conciliatory tone.
The trade body which represents private hospitals and clinics described the 7% rupture rate reported in recent days as misleading.
The opposition has been joined by much of the state's medical establishment, including organizations representing doctors, hospitals, nurses, and patients.