He represents new hope and higher goals for the Nets, who are building their franchise around the 6-foot-10-inch rookie forward.
"Every one of those dollars represents human aspirations and goals," said a council member, the theater director Lloyd Richards.
If the members feel he would be the best person to represent the principles, ideals and goals, well, it has to happen by July 1.
They are not a single criminal club, though they represent similar goals and structures which define them.
He was not a part of the teams that won those; they merely represent goals for his own career.
In addition, the motivation behind the group also was founded on the notion that Macmillan had not accurately represented the party's original aims and goals.
Each ideal represents goals which every member is encouraged to strive toward in their own daily life.
GOAL agents communicate using the knowledge representation language that is also used to represent their beliefs and goals.
The first three categories represent the objects or goals of practice, whose attainment leads to peace for the four classes of Buddhist practitioner.
The use cases are drawn as elliptical bubbles, representing desired behavioral goals.