The miniature towers represented shrines, which in turn represented deities.
"It must be built so that idols representing different deities are placed in certain directions."
On the sides are skeletal figures that may represent deities.
Unfortunately, it is not known whom they depict, although they are assumed to represent deities.
Masks of glass also represent numerous deities, including objects which were intended to protect the deceased against the evil eye.
Some are created and placed on shrines for ceremonies or to represent deities.
Most of them represent buddhas, deities and religious personalities and have been built in the 2000s.
There are also several examples of the famed D'mba headdresses, representing female deities.
For example, before a temple building is started, the area can be marked with tsakli representing protective deities.
Scholars explain this in terms of Narasimha's association with wooden posts representing tribal deities.