Thus, certain cystine knot proteins satisfy the basic criteria for drug delivery and represent exciting novel candidates as scaffolds for peptide drug delivery.
Ree Display Grove (1995) - daffodils and twelve types of trees representing uncommon candidates for use in a home garden.
These results, as well as the high therapeutic ratios observed, indicate that these compounds represent attractive candidates as antiviral agents to control poxvirus infection.
"There will be a slew of challenges," said Henry Berger, an election lawyer representing several Democratic candidates, including Peter F. Vallone, who is running for mayor.
When a voter enters a ballot booth, the first screen on the display would present icons that represent individual candidates.
Black dots represent candidates that would have to be considered by the simple algorithm and the black lines are connections that create common subsequences of length 3.
In the 14th century, the church adopted a trial-like system in which the devil's advocate tried to poke holes in cases brought by church lawyers representing candidates for sainthood.
In Maryland, lawyers representing candidates for senator and governor from both parties met recently and swapped cellphone numbers and e-mail addresses to smooth out the logistics of potential litigation.
Mr. Ciampoli has successfully represented several candidates contesting ballot results, including Senator Spano earlier this year.
Mr. Greer, whose agency has represented anti-abortion candidates in the past, noted: "We weren't running as being in favor of abortion.