After vigorous lobbying against it by Hollywood studios, broadcasters and others, the proposal was modified to add four commission members representing producers, broadcasters and actors.
Since 2005, partners have included media companies and major trade associations representing broadcasters, cable operators, newspapers, and the recording industry.
Mrs. Scott, 26 years old, is with Telerep, which represents broadcasters in the sale of advertising time.
Floyd Abrams, a constitutional lawyer who frequently represents broadcasters, likes the cameras, too.
She represents newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, authors, Internet companies and other publishers.
Wiley successfully represented both broadcasters and the newspaper industry, winning concessions from the powerful "Baby Bells."
They represent actors, comedians, broadcasters, radio personalities, writers, directors, producers and musicians.
It represents broadcasters from more than 50 countries, and awards Emmys for television programs produced abroad.
The appointment was praised by the Bell companies and organizations representing large and small broadcasters, cable companies, wireless providers, equipment makers and smaller phone companies.
After a night of negotiations, labor unions representing broadcasters at the British Broadcasting Corporation said they had called off a 48-hour strike set for Tuesday and Wednesday.